If you’ve got a new driver on your hands, you know how terrifying it can be to let them out on the road. While there is no guarantee, taking the time to read through these tips with your new driver can alleviate at least a little of the worry.

While over 70% of parents say they trust their teens on the road, the numbers show just how frequent accidents truly are. With this in mind, parents may need to take a step back and understand the risks being taken by their offspring. In fact, automobile accidents are the 2nd leading cause of death among teenagers in the United States.

Sitting down with your teen and going over your expectations can help set clear limits and open up an avenue for future discussions.

A few things that are important to keep in mind when having these conversations:

Educating yourself about your state driving laws, particularly centered around new drivers

Speaking with your kid(s) about alcohol and drug abuse, especially in context with safe driving

Driving habits are often a result of what we see, so practice being a good driving role model

Talk to your kid(s) about distracted driving and how dangerous cell phone use really is

Seat belt usage is crucial in helping protect oneself in case of accident

Following the speed limit can drastically reduce the likelihood of a crash

New drivers are less likely to speed in a family car than their own vehicles

Teens have reported feeling unsafe with other drivers, including their parents

Having the courage to speak up in unsafe situations could save your teens' life

There are driving apps that can track the following:

  • Speed
  • Location
  • Hard Braking
  • Rapid Acceleration
  • Seatbelt Usage
  • Cell Phone Usage
  • Crash Detection

Some of the top apps for tracking your teens driving:

  • TrueMotion Safe Driving
  • Waze
  • DriveSmart
  • DriveMode
  • Life360
  • RoadReady

With these apps you can at least be aware of your teenagers' driving habits, which will hopefully help ease some of the worry!

While not all teens need to be monitored, studies show that the risk of fatal accident increases exponentially when more than one teen is together in a car without adult supervision. Additionally, teens are more likely to engage in risky driving behavior with friends in the car.

It all comes down to the ability to communicate openly and know that your teen is doing all they can to be safe while on the road. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to Anni at [email protected] or call us at the office at 720.335.6872.