From freezing pipes to increased heating costs, neglecting winterization can lead to myriad issues resulting in discomfort and a drain on your wallet!

Before diving into the specifics, understanding why it's necessary to prepare for harsh conditions.

Cold weather can cause significant damage to your home, such as frozen pipes, ice dams, and cracks in the foundation. Proper winterization helps mitigate these risks, helping to protect you from costly repairs.

A well-insulated and sealed home retains heat more effectively, which, in turn, can lower energy bills, with the additional benefit of lessened environmental impact!


  • Clean fireplace and chimney
  • Inspect weather stripping around windows and doors; replace as needed
  • Check HVAC system and replace furnace filters
  • Turn water heater to 120
  • Reverse the direction of ceiling fans (clockwise for cold weather)
  • Insulate pipes with insulating foam or tape
  • Add rugs to keep slips to a minimum (protects you and others!)
  • Check smoke detectors and/or fire extinguisher
  • Insulate attic and basement (if applicable)
  • Deep clean oven


  • Disconnect hoses while not in use
  • Drain and shut off water sources (hoses, sprinkler systems)
  • Make sure your barbecue grill is covered
  • Clean gutters and downspouts
  • Clear out broken tree branches
  • Tour your property and cover any cracks to keep out pests
  • Cover your air conditioning unit (if applicable)

If you have any questions, please reach out to Anastasia, at [email protected] or call the office at 720.335.6872.