There is so much that can go into sharing holidays and traditions, which makes it so important to preserve those moments by being cautious. There are several ways to make your season both festive and safe!


Wash Your Hands

We all know it and it’s more important than ever before!

Avoid Cook Barefoot

Never underestimate the power of shoes.

Never Use the Same Cutting Board for Raw Meat and Vegetables

Salmonella is more prevalent than you might think.

Stay Away From Obtrusive Sleeves

I love puffy sleeves as much as the next girl, but they’re a huge fire hazard.

Know How to Put a Fire Out

Having the correct fire extinguisher is the best way to be prepared.

No Metal Utensils on Non-Stick Cookware (or really at all)

Rather than scratch up the surface of your non-stick cookware, just switch to silicone utensils. They rock!


Fresh Trees are Less Flammable

The brighter the needles, the fresher the tree.

Always Check if Lights Have Been Tested in a Lab

If not, please replace them asap.

Keep Tree Away From Heat Sources (radiators, fireplaces, furnaces, heating vents)

Keep the tree away from the wall a foot or so, as well.

Remember to Turn Lights off Each Night

Many lights these days don’t get that hot when left on, but it isn’t safe to leave them on while they’re unattended, anyway.


Be Sure to Avoid Lighting a Fireplace with Stockings Hung From it’s Hearth

This may seem obvious, but mistakes can happen!

Check Light Strings for Fraying

Particularly when using light strings you’ve had around for a year or two.

Ensure Outside Decorations are for Outside and Hang Them in Non Hazardous Locations

When hanging them along eaves or doorways, opt for clips to keep them off the frame of the house.

Check Tinsel for Lead (and throw out if it contains lead)

There are many non-toxic options out there to replace any discarded tinsel.

If Climbing a Ladder, Wear Shoes with Tread

Slipping from a ladder can result in serious injury.

Consider Battery-Operated Candles

Particularly near anything flammable, or if you tend to forget to blow your candles out.


Be Mindful of How Much You Load into Outlets

Using a power strip can help alleviate some of the load.

Stay Attentive to Baking or Simmering Foods

Leaving food unattended can result in burned food or even fire!

Have a Working Fire Extinguisher

They can expire, so be sure to know how old it is.

Keep Cooking Areas Clear of Grease

Kitchen fires account for 48% of all house fires.

Avoid Leaving Combustible Items Near Hot Surfaces

Kitchen towels can be extremely flammable, you can never be too vigilant.

While these tips may not be completely fool-proof, they’re a great place to start. While we all do our best to avoid mistakes, please reach out to us with any questions, or to file a claim! You can reach the office at 720.335.6872 and we will get back to you as soon as possible!