Holidays bring festive fun and can get a bit hectic. That’s why we’re here to remind you to consider all gifts received and be sure to add them to your insurance policy so they’re protected!
Without proper insurance coverage, the loss of valuables will be on the insured to cover replacements; insurance provides a safety net that can help in case of a loss.
Many people believe themselves to be covered to a larger extent than they actually are. Here are some things to consider:
- Does your current insurance cover valuables? Not all homeowners or renters policies cover valuables. These can be added coverages; how much coverage you’ll want depends on the value of your assets.
- To what extent are you covered? Some policies only cover to a certain dollar amount, or percentage of value. Others offer full replacement cost, so be sure to ask your agent what’s on your policy!
- When is the last time you updated your personal assets? Updating your personal inventory can help you and your insurance agent stay on top of coverages, so you know you’re protected. A yearly look (at least!) is recommended.
- Do you have a personal inventory of your valuables? Having a list of your valuables is essential when it comes to keeping track of insurable items in case of loss or theft. If you're able to provide this list to us (your agents!), all the better.
- Should you have valuables appraised? Luxury and collectible items can appreciate over time, so it’s crucial to have items appraised in order for your policy to provide coverage for the current value.
- Did your kids receive any valuables (hoverboards, drones, snowmobiles, etc.)? These can be costly gifts that don’t take much to incur damage, so insuring them can offer some peace-of-mind.
Taking photos of valuable items and keeping receipts to document their worth can be helpful and regularly assessing your valuables ensures that you're adequately protected against theft, damage, or loss, which helps you maintain accurate records in case of potential claims.
We hope your Holidays were wonderful and we can't wait to hear from you! If you have any questions about valuables you may wish to insure, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 720.335.6872.