Servicing your home for Summer can keep maintenance up to date which, in turn, will save you money in the long run. That's why we've put the compilation below together. Because working to save you money while having the right coverages to be prepared, is truly what we're here for. To work hard for people who care and want good care, just like our motto says!

Here are some things to check, in case you would like a list to work from:

Check and Service Air Conditioning:

Ensure your HVAC system is in top shape by scheduling a professional inspection and cleaning.

Seal Windows and Doors:

Keep that cool air inside, by sealing any cracks or gaps around windows and doors with weatherstripping or caulking.

Reverse Ceiling Fans:

Reversing your ceiling fans improves air circulation and cool your home down faster!

Clean and Repair Gutters:

Cleaning out gutters and downspouts, as well as removing any debris that may have accumulated, can help ensure proper drainage.

Inspect Roof:

Ensure your roof is in good condition by inspecting for loose or damaged shingles in need of repair.

Upgrade Insulation:

If you’ve got an attic or a crawl space, adding or upgrading insulation can help improve energy efficiency. In some cases, it can even help regulate the temperature inside your home!

Create Shade:

Consider planting trees or installing awnings/shades to block direct sunlight from entering your home, reducing indoor temperatures, and lowering cooling costs.

Service Outdoor Equipment:

Prepare outdoor equipment like lawn mowers grills, etc. and perform any necessary maintenance.

Inspect and Clean Patio Furniture:

Get your outdoor living spaces ready for Summer by inspecting and cleaning patio furniture, umbrellas, etc.

Pest Control:

Keep pests at bay by scheduling professional pest control treatments and inspect for cracks, to prevent infestations during summer months!

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector Testing:

Ensure the safety of your family by testing and replacing batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Pool Maintenance:

If you have a pool and plan to use it, ensure it is clean and serviced in preparation for Summer.

Refresh Summer Essentials:

This includes stocking up on necessities like sunscreen, insect repellent, sunglasses, etc.

That’s not all, though! Here in Colorado, we start dealing with stormy weather late Spring/early Summer. Here are some great ways to prepare for the Summer Storm Season:

Prepare for Power Outages:

Assemble an emergency kit with essentials like flashlights, batteries, non-perishable food, filtered water, extra clothes, medication, first aid kit, even important documents! Don’t forget to consider investing in a backup power generator in case of prolonged outages in your area.

Weather Alerts:

Sign up for local weather alerts through apps, NOAA Weather Radio, or text messages to stay informed about local storm warnings and watches.


Secure outdoor furniture and any items that could potentially become projectiles in high winds!

Evacuation Plan:

Develop and practice an evacuation plan with your family, including an exit strategy with the route to a predetermined meeting place, in case you need to leave your home quickly.

Tree Trimming:

Trim trees and shrubs around your property to minimize the risk of falling branches causing damage or trees getting struck with power lines during a storm.

Flood Insurance:

Review your insurance policies to ensure you have adequate coverage for flood damage, as most standard homeowners' insurance does not cover flooding.

Community Resources:

Familiarize yourself with local emergency shelters, evacuation centers, and resources provided by your community or county, just to be safe.

Communication Plan:

Establish a communication plan or a call tree with family and friends, to check in during and after a storm. This way, everyone knows how to reach one another if separated.

Are there any other steps you take to prepare for Summer, either for recreation or for safety? If so, let us know at [email protected] or call the office at 720.335.6872!

Check and Service Air Conditioning!